4:00am - Alan wakes me up and says he hears a dog barking. I don't.
4:01am - Alan walks around the house, looking out all the windows and sees a car's headlights shining down the street in front of our neighbor's house.
4:02am - I go looking for him because he's been gone way too long.
4:03am - We both peer out the front windows at the stalker car. Headlights on. Emergency flashers on. Not moving.
4:10am - The car drives off slowly, emergency flashers still flashing.
4:11am - Alan gets comfortable on the sofa in the front room, still peeking through the blinds. I go back to bed.
4:13am - The stalker car drives by again very slowly, lights still flashing. Alan tries to get the make of the car and the license plate number.
4:30am - Stalker car has not returned. Alan comes back to bed.
The next day:
11:00am - I call my teenage neighbor and warn her that there was a stalker car in front of her house at 4:00am, but not to be scared....because she can call me if there is a problem.
2:00pm - I call my dad who, being a senior citizen, is usually awake at 4:00am. And since he lives in my neighborhood, I tell him of our stalker with the flashing lights.
2:02pm - "Laura, that's the paper carrier".
2:03pm - Oh.