Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Hot Seat with Bob Griffin

Bob is a stay-at-home dad to Zak and Jaxson. I caught up with him on his cell while he was watching Zak at swim lessons:

1. What prompted your decision to become Mr. Mom?

I did not exactly choose to do this. But due to medical reasons, I had to leave my job, which allowed me this opportunity. We are making lemonade out of lemons.

2. What are the most difficult issues you have discovered about being a stay-at-home dad?

It is a hard job. Some days I think it would be easier to drive my UPS route. But this experience has created a special bond between the boys and me and I am grateful for that.

3. Some people have the impression that stay-at-home parents sit around eating bon-bons while watching The Price is Right all day. What do you think about that?

There may be people who can do that. But with two active boys, I don't have time for such luxuries. It is a non-stop job until they go to bed at night.

4. Do you have a support system in which you get a break?

Tracy's parents are available to help when I need them, but I try not to take advantage of that.

5. Is Tracy going to let you join the Mother's Club?

Absolutely not. She would definitely put her foot down if I started hanging out with the moms!

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