Friday, March 13, 2009

what had happened was....

Well I messed up my 40 Days of Blogging streak by not posting yesterday, but I'm still going to finish it out. See, what had happened was...I spent all day Thursday at the NewSpring Unleash conference in Anderson with the TNC staff. It was a very long and inspiring day and I was wiped out by the time I got home last night. Blogging was not an option.

I took tons of notes and I am excited about the possibility of implementing some ideas that I feel would help us work smarter and not necessarily harder at TNC. As I look through the notes from various sessions, I thought I might share a few that jumped out at me:

If you tell certain people they can't come to your church, you've just told God he can't come.
People who get mad about teaching finances at church probably aren't giving anyway.
Are you manufacturing energy for anything in your church?
If ministry is drudgery, you are either overworked or just slack.
The Holy Spirit is not limited by our preparations.
Pastors carry a weight you could never imagine.
We are in ministry only by the mercy of God.

I also learned a lot about the people that I serve with at TrueNorth. It is amazing what can be experienced in a 15 hour day together.

But what happens at Unleash, must stay at Unleash!

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