Thursday, November 09, 2006

i can't always get what i want

‘Tis the season to start Christmas shopping. I have accumulated quite a large stack of catalogs in the mail recently from LLBean to Pottery Barn Kids. We have a tradition where our kids take the ToysRUs Big Book and mark their initials by the toys they want. They always choose too much, so the list is narrowed down and then sent to Santa.

I remember what Santa brought me for my ninth Christmas. My very own CASSETTE PLAYER…complete with a built-in microphone. I actually had to talk into the player, not a handheld microphone. I also got my first two cassettes…Carly Simon and Captain and Tennille. I memorized every word to every song on both tapes. Don’t laugh.

I also remember what I didn’t get that Christmas. I asked Santa for a Stretch Armstrong. Even though it was a boy toy, I really, really wanted a Stretch Armstrong. I wanted to see how far I could pull his arms and legs and if they would go back to their normal shape.

I didn’t get Stretch Armstrong. Santa got confused and gave him to my sister, who didn’t ask for one. So what’s a Santa to do when he finds that out?

Bless his heart.

Isn’t it difficult sometimes when God doesn’t give us what we want? It’s even harder when someone else gets our goods. I am thankful that God sees the big picture and gives me what I need.

Stretch Armstrong wasn’t all that anyway.

1 comment:

Paulo J said...

great blog! it's amazing to see God's plan at work in the past and how he has guided us through the present!