Friday, November 03, 2006

guilty pleasure

I spent Friday morning at Stacey's 'gettin my hair did', which means an hour and a half of peace, a captive audience, and someone to play with my hair. The employees at Reynolds Wrap will be getting a bonus next week, based on the amount of aluminum foil I had sticking out of my head.

One of my favorite guilty pleasures at Stacey's is the thirty minutes I spend with my foiled head under the dryer and also....well, I don't know if I should say. I mean, some people might be offended by the fact that I'm a real person. But, here it goes...

I like to read her tabloids...especially The Star magazine.

There. I said it.

I don't read them for the articles though, only the pictures! Sometimes I just want to NOT use my brain (which is in motion 24/7), and reading The Star does not require much brain power. I secretly enjoy seeing pictures of these supposedly beautiful people, without makeup and airbrush, being caught off-guard. And there's more drama in one of their days than a month's worth of Days of our Lives episodes.

It makes me thankful for the simple life that I have...and reminds me of what is really important in life.

Guilty pleasure? Maybe it's not a pleasure at all in the end...but I AM guilty.

1 comment:

Paulo J said...

my guilty pleasure is walking in mori luggage and gifts and not buying anything. oh that and translating random things in french. but, you know, who doesn't enjoy that every once in a while.