Friday, May 02, 2008

home again

I talked to a mom recently who is emotionally preparing herself for her daughter's departure for college in the fall. As she shared her heart with me, my eyes filled with tears remembering my own fears and sadness as Kacie started Clemson just nine short months ago.

In less than twelve hours, we will head to Clemson to help Kacie pack up her dorm room and move home for the summer. We won't be bringing home the same girl we took to college last August. This girl has experienced her own independence for the last nine months. She has a whole community of friends in a world that I have only pictured through our conversations on the phone. She will be more grown up and one year closer to college graduation.

I can't wait to wake up every morning, knowing she is in her room with the door shut as usual. It's going to feel like home again.

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