Wednesday, April 30, 2008


So I have finally rested up and recovered from a DISTURBING weekend. I totally overbooked myself and left no margin in my schedule. Since I drink lots of coffee, I was able to survive.

One of the highlights of my DISTURBING weekend was the 180 weekend youth retreat. I had the privilege of leading and hosting my not-so-DISTURBING 8th grade fuel cell girls with Lauren (not in pic) as my co-lead. I would have been more DISTURBED without her. She is a lot younger and just a little bit less DISTURBING than me.

Since the weekend theme was DISTURB, there were many DISTURBING events** that are too DISTURBING to discuss. But I know that the students will be DISTURBED in their relationship with Christ that will take them out of their comfort zones.

You can read more about 180 weekend here.

"Sixth grade boys will do ANYTHING!!".... Greg Shuford

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