Thursday, April 12, 2007

what about the 2?

This past Easter Sunday at TNC, each person was asked to fill out a spiritual survey. The options given were: (paraphrased)

A) already believing
B) began believing today
C) considering believing
D) don’t plan on believing

We were amazed at the number of responses that were turned in and that 128 of them were people who expressed interest in being contacted and/or began believing on Easter Sunday. Those numbers are a great reason to celebrate because that is why our church exists: to transform spiritual seekers into passionate followers of Christ.

But what about the 2 people who chose answer D, declaring that they never intend on making a decision to follow Christ. Those 2 people have been on my mind all day since I found out the results of the survey. The fact that they were in a church service is a start. I pray that something will draw them back each week and that their hearts will soften to the possibility of choosing B or C.

There are many more D-answer people out there who are searching and TNC is in a position to reach them. It could be our neighbor, coworker, or family member. We should never stop praying or inviting!

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