Wednesday, August 02, 2006

we're all in this together

This summer, I have been reading and re-reading John Ortberg’s book, Everybody’s Normal Till You Get to Know Them. I can't get to the bookstore fast enough to get some more of his books. He is an amazing storyteller with a great sense of humor.

In this book he tells a story of his friend who comes to the South and stops at a diner where grits are on the menu. He asks the waitress what a “grit” is. Her reply was, “Honey, they don’t come by themselves.”

Ortberg’s comments: “Grits don’t exist in isolation. No grit is an island, entire unto itself. Every grit is a part of the mainland, a piece of the whole. You can’t order a single grit. They’re a package deal.”

Ortberg continues with the Creation story. Everything that God made, he said was “good”. But in Genesis 2:18, God says, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

God requires for us to be in community with others. You can experience large group community at TrueNorth Church on Sunday mornings as well as small group community during the week. These small groups are called Journey Teams, where people meet in homes for fellowship and Bible study. It’s a place where you can develop meaningful relationships and share your spiritual journey.

Check out the website for the times and locations. There is an empty chair with your name on it!

Besides, you weren’t made to be the Lone Grit.

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