Thursday, February 26, 2009

philippians 4:6-7

On Friday morning I will be having a biopsy on a "thing" on my thyroid gland. My doctor wants to find out if this "thing" is a good "thing" or a bad "thing". I am definitely not looking forward to having a needle-stabbing in my neck. But surprisingly I am not very nervous at all about the procedure or the outcome. Maybe because my Googling has taught me that the odds are on my side even if this "thing" is bad. I think my peace has come mostly from the prayers of my friends and family. I know that someone, somewhere, has prayed specifically that I would have "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding". I just know it. That can be the only explanation why I'm not freaking out over this like I normally would.

Have you ever had an experience when you could actually feel prayers on your behalf? It's better than any anxiety pill on the market.

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