Wednesday, February 21, 2007

i give up

Today marks the beginning of the Lent season, meaning we are on a 40 day countdown to Easter, not counting Sundays. I don’t know much about the rituals surrounding Lent except that it is easy to identify the season when the cloth doo hickies in church are changed to purple. I also know that Catholics get ashes put on their forehead on the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday. This must be a pretty important symbol because I tried to wipe the ashes off my chemistry professor’s forehead in college and she almost had a heart attack.

Sorry, my bad. I thought it was dirt.

In addition to the color purple and ashes, I understand that certain religions practice the discipline of fasting. In today’s culture this is commonly translated as “giving up something of significant value” for the 40 day period, not counting Sundays.

So I asked myself what I could give up for Lent to show God that I can prepare my heart through sacrifice.

Not that I have to, but I want to.

I have decided that I will give up drinking coffee for 40 days, not counting Sundays (I will celebrate during Journey Team). And it will actually be 39 days, because I had my last cup this morning.

Giving up coffee may not seem like a sacrifice, but every time I think about my morning coffee in my favorite faded out Dunkin Donuts cup, I will instead turn my focus toward God and the huge sacrifice he made for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will join and support you and by doing the same and worship thru
Sacrifice as well, by giving up meat

anyone else?