Monday, February 26, 2007

the case of the disappearing spoons

One of the most perplexing questions in a home can be “Where is my other sock?” You probably have asked yourself that question and have a pile of lonely socks to prove it.

It is safe to say that the question that runs a close race is “Where do all the spoons go?” That has been the issue around our home these last couple of weeks. All of a sudden, our family of five is fighting over four spoons. The last person in the kitchen each morning ends up with a big honkin’ serving spoon. That ruins a good bowl of Lucky Charms!

So, where are the spoons going? Is someone throwing them away with their empty yogurt container? Is there a hidden surveillance camera in my kitchen, being monitored by spoon thieves? Perhaps the spoons teleport themselves to a faraway spoon planet. It is a mystery that would baffle even the experts on CSI.

I went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond this weekend to get me some more spoons. I found the open stock container where you can buy individual pieces without buying a full set. And do you know how many spoons they had? None. The bin was empty! Plenty of knives and forks. But no spoons. Apparently this is a bigger phenomenon than I thought. Either the spoons in the stores are disappearing as well or there are other folks like me who are replacing their wayward spoons.

Maybe the case of the disappearing spoons will never be solved. I just know I need more of them and I need them quick! My cereal is getting soggy!


Brent Douglas said...

I'll bet your spoons are never to be seen again. I say you should take a real hard look at those dishes. I don't know about you, but *I* was always told that the dish ran away with the spoon. So you might want to get out of the silverware drawer and have a look in those dish cabinets...

Gene said...

We had the same problem at our house lately with spoons and forks. But I found a great deal on our pattern on ebay. Maybe you can find your there too.

Brent Douglas said...

Gene... Your "pattern"?! What have they done to you! Last night Cliff said something to the effect of "an interior decorator I know", too. I'm starting to worry about the masculinity of the Jennings men...