Tuesday, January 30, 2007

it's going around

Well, I knew it was coming...just didn’t know which family member it would be. Matthew woke up with a fever this morning and we have been snuggling all day.

When one of my kids are sick, they pretty much call the shots and get whatever they want. Which is how I ended up watching Star Wars with Matthew. I asked him which one we were watching and he said, “The one where Luke is big”. After that he asked me if we could go take a nap together.

I love letting them get their way! ;)

My friend Kelly had a similar day and you can read about it here.


Beth said...

I hope your son's sister's BFF isn't responsible for bringing "it" into your home. But, hey, isn't your home our home and our home your home? Aren't we better known as "MOM." I love the hood.......we always share!!!

Gene said...

Whew! That was close. When I first looked at the picture on this post I thought it was one of those pregnancy test things.

LAURA'S BLOG said...

gene, you are a sick man! it's a digital thermometer. i'm going to pray for you.