Thursday, May 10, 2007


I was recently asked by several friends why I have not blogged lately. It's nice to know I have been missed!

Lately there have been about 25 channels playing in my brain at all times, so it has been hard for me to put down the remote and stick to one channel. And this is a sample of what's going on up there:

1. Kacie is graduating from high school in a few weeks.

2. Allison is graduating from elementary school.

3. Matthew is graduating from kindergarten.

4. I need to stock up on more tissue for the graduation ceremonies. Especially when Matthew's class sings "Friends are Friends Forever".

5. I have been researching holding boys back a grade. I am not popular with the grandparents right now.

6. Everytime I want to write a blog post, someone else posted the same thought ten minutes ago.

7. I have seen or heard the word 'perseverence' at least fifty-eleven times in the past month. It's my new word.

8. We went to see Spiderman 3 this weekend. It was okay. It just seemed to lack focus and direction with too many plots going on at one time. Too many things unexplained too.

9. David Crowder is coming to Columbia in November!

10. I am helping plan Facedown (communion service) for this Sunday night. It's going to be great, but I will be at the baccalaureate service.

11. I am trying to find a hotel to stay at in New York City. This is harder than I thought.

12. Occasionally I will read a book just for dumb fun. Even though it's taking me a long time to read it, the one I am reading now is "Stop Dressing Your Six Year Old Like a Skank" by Celia Rivenbark.

13. Yesterday's sermon at TrueNorth Church was about being a peacemaker. I have always considered myself a peacemaker. But now I'm not so sure. I should work on this.

So that is my purge...I feel better now.

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