The series by Barbara Park chronicles Junie B's experiences as a kindergartner and a first-grader. Since the books are written in first person, the grammar reflects that of a typical six year old. She uses words improperly and invents her own words like grumpity and smuggy. She sometimes thinks out of the box, which gets her into trouble. Junie B. always gets reprimanded, so she doesn't get away with her mischievous acts. No, she doesn't talk like the Queen of England and yes, she makes mistakes. But she is real and kids and parents can relate to her.
There has been a lot of criticism about the Junie B. series because of the grammar and behavior. But the writing is so genius that it could be a teaching point for a parent and child. We have used some of her situations to have meaningful, lighthearted discussions with Matthew about what Junie B. could have done differently....but that's only after we have stopped laughing out loud!
Alan and I read these books with Matthew because of the entertainment value, the lessons that can be taught, the quality time with our son, and because we just can't wait to see what happens next!
I wish Barbara Park would hurry up and release the next book. It has been so long that Junie B. is probably in middle school by now. Until then, we will start reading Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime. I wonder who her secret admirer will be?